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tv   The Willis Report  FOX Business  August 1, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT

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he will not find it anywhere else except tomorrow but:00 p.m. eastern. i really considering this. gerri: i am jerry willis. american stop spending more than you have to for prescription drugs there is a few ways to save also how do do that? talking about investing but not many something far more important. and the controversy over $3 in tips? but it is a whole new discussion on tipping. we are watching all for you tonight. the "willis report." gerri: our top story cutting
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prescription cost for a breather with insurance but the kicker is you could be hundreds of dollars richer every single month if you took a few simple steps. now from prescription drugs editor at "consumer reports." welcome back. $758 per year? >> and we could be sppnding a lot less. using insurance when we don't need to and often buy medication where there is a cheaper alternative. gerri: what of the most interesting item in your story that sometimes you just buy the drug it is cheaper than using your insurance. hall is that possible? >> we just discovered this of the last year there are hundreds of medications were the insurance maybe expensive than what the drug store deals are offering.
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gerri: shouldn't the insurance company? to make you would think so but this one is $4 per month that wal-mart or target yet insurance companies together spend 30 or $40 per month. >> and then to pull out the insurance card and they just automatically renewed up but stop and ask is there a cheaper way? could i get this out of my pocket over-the-counter? gerri: but some of them are cheaper. >> but they used to be
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prescription drugs or clarity and order prilosec. but to pay $225 for heartburn treatment. or pay $241 per month in the generic is four bucks a month in the average insurance prices $45 per month. or with clarity and it is $7 per month or just by prescription $120. now to go for the cheapest price but sometimes i just cannot take clarity in anymore but.
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>> sometimes you have to switch around. >> how do you take advantage ? >> i have been looking for this for years of. in a better way you think there are some good things about it children under the age of 26 can stay on parents' insurance which is good for people who don't have insurance the other thing is there is preventative services including vaccines and sometimes it is free in many cases. also medicare part d that don't have the dreaded donegal is getting smaller and smaller and it will disappear in a few years. gerri: now the multi septum cold remedies and then they
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say buyer be where. >> is a bad deal but we talked earlier with a multi symptom remedies with the day quill and the cycle they either put you to sleep or keep you awake. they also have a generic tylenol but then wind up taking too many doses. see you could wind up in the er with the damage. >> what is your advice? separately a thing would be more money. >> a little bit but this is a safety condition you have to deal with. gerri: great stuff.
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"consumer reports." check it out for your bottom line with prescription drugs. the white house better stock up on aspirin. the head of the agency whose job is to enforce obamacare does not want to switch to obamacare. unbelievable in testifyintestifyin g today how the irs will implement the signature legislation in looking through the minefield of hypocrisy at. >> last week your employees or a member of the national treasury of the employee unions said a form letter to be exempt from the exchanges.
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from the very law their task with. >> i will offer a perspective as a federal employee myself but the with the affordable health care coverage that i preferred to stay with the current policy rather than go through a change if i don't need to. gerri: unbelievable. nobody wants to go on obamacare. but then to say this how can the head of the irs and the chief architect with the signature achievement don't want to be a part of it?
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unbelievable. we are the 1% for all of them the new numbers show 1.6% that is the number that matters. with more on this we have our political chief economist. welcome back to the show. great to have you on the set. to talk about the 1% under obama it turns out there real is gdp growth. >> the economy is overly regulated regarding the ultimate cost of obamacare. and then with the emerging mont current market countries like china and the list will go one. gerri: at some point you think they would discount the current administration why does this continue to be such a problem for corporate
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america? >> is having a great deal of difficulty trying to find growth potential for sales are profits with the interstates the we had today surprisingly enough the with the record bubbles they will not increase wages until they feel confident about the sales prospects. gerri: this is what the president should be focused on. at the end of the day there are people running around. why doesn't matter? >> this is very strange. you could make the argument the current administration effectively has been good for the stock market in the wealthy but on either hand after-tax income has grown by more than 1% in fact, 1.3% and that is down substantially from the lousy
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bush administration with real disposable income grew 2.8% annually. gerri: the other never that concerns me is people who do not have full-time jobs. this is not the right economy right now. >> that is important. tomorrow we will pick up the number on the jobs report for the month of july. it may be 200,000 new jobs but people will jump up and down to say this is great. but if you look more closely you may find the quality of new jobs is not what it was in the past it to be the part-time jobs because of obamacare. in fact, during the last three months we found a 71% of the new jobs created we're the low-paying and stable categories of health care, a private education, leisure, hospital ity and temporary work.
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gerri: when the administration hires workers you know, it is a disease that affects everyone. it is always good to see you. now we want to know what you think. what should president obama deby focused on? the 1% super rich? log on to a gerri i will share the results at the end of the show. a strange case of a rhode island families who came back from vacation to find somebody else living in the house and the ultimate insult writing checks to wall street?
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gerri: wall street moving into your neighborhood taking several family homes as landlords according to new research from morgan stanley in that will only skyrocket. joining is a real estate
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finance professor from george mason. welcome back. this story i mo little worried about a. this feels reminiscent of the housing boom. >> with the invisible he and -- he and, we destroyed the economy with carter and clinton and bush with the national housing policy. >> we're not invested in housing. when they bought assets extremely cheap with the housing industry.
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they want to turn this into a and investment. for with the obligation bonds or something similar but rental housing? that we had with the last time around as they came to the ground. >> with the mortgage backed securities desperate is so pitifully low and rates are going up but it started to go up 60 basis points so what might go up with the interest rates? with mortgage-backed securities. gerri: this sounds like another they my idea but with residential housing but i just wonder if we are in for another asset bubble.
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>> and i will scratch my head through the mechanics this will not be guaranteed by fannie or freddie or the fha and then whoever buys this will take on the credit risk. i cannot envision this will work but however i've just received an e-mail saying you are supporting walls street with more people flipping them. gerri: maybe that is bad it is a one-way ticket. silver bay, and this company and others, you can see the extent of the investing in what is going on. there scooping up properties all over the country really the only downside is if you
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want to to buy a house you are competing with wall street in those people have deep pockets. >> the key for bream got. but they are flat at the 1996 levels. why? those people that are applying for the mortgage applications the way they used to but if they do they have to compete with black rock and they gee too far cheaper and protect these policies helped wall street -- wall street more than a street. gerri: i hope he will look in your crystal ball to see any problems that may come up. >> i have been worried about a middle market bubble a couple of years because remember with the dead housing market they came out years ago to say i want to push rental properties.
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i am not saying this is because of that but when you combine 1.7% economic growth , declining real household income, obamacare income, obamacare, where will people get them ready to buy a house? i think this is the rental market and they have a right. this is the wave of the future. gerri: by the way ahead of housing and urban development. i think the president has been increased for the wealthy and will street and if you job -- if you have a job be feel secure if not you are worried. we appreciate it. thank you. >> you to. gerri: more coming up the quarterback gets caught up in a controversy over a $3 tip. we will talk about that next
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gerri: a rhode island family coming back from vacation gets a horrible surprise. squatters leaving a mess behind a new survey suggests many homeowners across the country are unknowingly
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opening the door to this. we have senior insurance analyst will come into the show. 20 percent of homeowners leave the system disarmed during the day switch could be the open door to burglars >> absolutely. home owners could be doing more to protect their belongings. for some it is peak season. gerri: i did not know that but i have a and alarm system and when you turn to god in the of petal falls off of a flower the alarm goes off. i think that is why people don't keep them on because they are set off so easily. >> it is a shame that most people are not using it to -- during the day because that is when the majority of break-ins occurred rethink
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the happen and i you are mistaken and you're leaving yourself open. gerri: new numbers. and then even people leave their front door unlocked a time or to buy 35% the the ground floor windows unlocked. this seems if i do that it is a mistake but people do it intentionally? >> if you thank you can do well for the quick errand to the garage restore or run into a neighbor's to leave your hooe open your really leaving yourself open. unfortunately this is during the day so set the alarm and locked the door to make sure everything is protected so keep in mind nothing is
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happening to your belongings but civic some of the neighbors are jaded. you really have to be on it on your own because nobody watches it except you. >> maybe you could have a neighborhood watch group to discuss what is your situation and? to have bail alarm system? it is good to know what is not let someone breaking into your home. you have to have safety devices for your protection also save you money on your home insurance. gerri: that is true. not talking about these families that came home to find squatters' so the information got out the kids came into party in the house. do you need to be that careful? i always tell my neighbors
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where i am going. >> i think social media plays a huge part because if you post your vacation date online and pictures that is a big mistake. wait until you come home. gerri: i had the same dilemma. our ability to post pitchers on my vacation. how to protect your vacation home? >> you want to make sure you have the alarm system installed that is the only way you will go if the home is protected. insure the entry point of doors and windows are solid. you have good quality. also talk to local police to let them know this is a vacation home i am only there a few months per year and ask them to keep an eye on your property they can also tell you if there is a
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neighborhood watch program that you could tap into a. gerri: how much money could i saved on my insurance with the alarm system? >> they can give substantial savings again it depends but as much as 10 or 2%. of the will save money but it will not keep you safe unless you use it. gerri: turn on your alarm. faq for coming out. we appreciate your time. now looking up the stories out fox mortgage rates going back up the average rate is four .4% in the mortgage rates are higher today than there were a few months ago but still low by historical standards. but then coming close to the new record high these are the numbers in the manufacturing report coming
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in better than expected. and of the best sales months in years of reporting sales in july from this pickup truck and to play a role in the financial crisis goldman sachs trader was found guilty of six counts of defrauding investors saying he lied about the quality of the mortgage-backed securities and those are some of the hot stories right now on the fox drew brees tipped off will hold the discussion on tipping. we have some really interesting advice. coming up. [ male announc ] eligible for medicare?
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gerri: a consumer alert. foods recalled from the shells across the country denouncing of the 93 percent lean ground beef saying it could be contaminated with e. coli. 50,000 pounds of the national beef, a major source or nature well are the areas affected. people in alabama, florida, georgia, l ouisiana, mississippi should cheek freezers for the 93% the in ground beef for throwaway or return it for a refund. reports yet with any links to the beach yet but we will bring you the latest. saints quarterback drew brees under fire for leaving a freak -- $30 tip on the
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tab he said he did that to the waiter but on a takeout order. we have the president of the protocol school in washington. i want to show people that have. a bill of $74 and $0.71 so the total he paid was $77 and $0.41. take out orders no service in did not sit down is that right? >> absolutely he is not a cheapskate actually he did not have to it is not expected to tip on a takeout order. he got slammed so hard in the media on twitter and all social media calling him bad to reduces. he is cheap or a jerk, etc.
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but those people are the bad actors. >> absolute the. with that ipad and the tablets in the sale this but the reality is he was right. gerri: he said if anybody cares i tipped $3 on a takeout order if i sat own it would have been 20% plus. that is the right to answer? >> absolutely. gerri: so what do most people do when it comes to tipping? are they to it being $3 or do most people follow the rules? >> i don't think all of them the servers only get so much per hour and rely on tips and then they have to pay taxes on their tips sometimes it is over
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20 percent of it is fabulous and if they're not doing good give them 10 percent. gerri: a deacon always say something. i have done that myself but to go back to the idea of social media because i think it is a cloak people hide their identity to say about regis things they would never say to anyone. >> absolutely and the raunchy some of that forbid i have read on the response is of twitter or facebook it is disgusting and very rude. gerri: you think that this should end because ultimately it is the voice. >> bad as when it crosses over and it has been a
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little scandalous. >>. gerri: i appreciate your help today a. >> if they say something way more important you will hear a.
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gerri: making sure that dreary and finances day on track is tricky always to hear how companies need to be flexible but in reality it is us. how do you do that?
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right now joining us from m.i.t., joe it is great to have you here. people toby i will work until i of 70 or 75 but how would you say competitive for relevant? >> there are some new rules of retirement simply to work longer and whether you are a baby boomer but you have to prepare for 50 years of work gerri: are you kidding? that seems like too much. >> those of us even before the downturn we wanted to keep working we just wanted to do something different. it is probably not just one career in. gerri: that you can do different kinds of things but how do you know what the right thing is? >> the new rules include
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investing in your retirement as you said is investing in yourself. and in our health is not about quality of life or how good did you feel but if you want to work longer and many of us need to then you manage those chronic conditions. are you cockatoo of the strong and on top of your game? whether full-time or part-time to stay on the drop -- job. gerri: to have to stay healthy so i can keep working to finance my retirement. i am a rather hear you want to be healthy to take advantage of the time with your spouse in family to do fun things and be active rather than stay home to do nothing at all spinet the attitude you have your health to have everything the other part is to have
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your health is a lot cheaper chronic diseases could add four times the cost of your retirement. so investing in your health is just the first thing to do to work longer and live longer. gerri: i like what you say about education and if you don't know how to extend its maybe they don't apply do i get a ph.d.? may be a do something totally different. >> to any of us really believe through 18 at the grassroots college will last us tenures let alone 50? think of technology. in to change careers. into we linked to the work but the sacrilegious is the
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beginning now it is about certificates. had been checked out in the certain fields so it is my life about the midlife sabbatical than just sitting gerri: what you say is smart and this is staying flexible. what you mean? not with my elbows are rap my arms around my knees? >> a little more painful. we will have to be flexible just to be in the workplace does not mean staying in the job you were into under 15 years. he may have to report to someone far more junior in their years but senior in rigged also be prepared to change careers entirely. part-time or full-time especially for older workers
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is a whole new frontier to be redefined what we think retirement used to be. >> you did a great job to explain that. thank you. cynically with the new ways wherever there is an aillent the most commonly fill the prescription drug in america is the top five to help treat as mayor -- as miniver for treating cholesterol cholesterol, and number three this will treat anxiety and depression and number two to prevent acid reflux and number one the most commonly prescribed drug that treats depression and bipolar disorder. with the agreed energy plash with the taxpayer dollars are out the window.
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jockeying millions of dollars on projects that people don't one. after the break.
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gerri: the clock is ticking two months away from obamacare even federal workers are up in arms. peter, a few months ago what happened on capitol hill today? >> those health care changes in the marketplace that people should be able to shop for health insurance on the line was supposed to be running on october 1st the people could start to buy a
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insurance on a jittery first when the individual mandate takes in but there is a very tough hearing today on capitol hill that the acting director of the irs testifying in and getting hammered by republicans on the execution and enforcement questions. they said they will have these exchanges up and running by october 1st but many were skeptical and -- and wonder how they would confirm if somebody is supposed to buy health insurance the there is not the employer mandate how we enforce the individual mandate? but the administration and democrats would hold their ground. gerri: i think execution that is a good question.
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but the president wants to run the irs? >> the nominee that the president has put forward with the washington and bureaucrats they do have business experience. it is the big corporate turnaround company they also have other major projects and spend 20 years there a the clinton devastation -- a administration most recently both bush and obama as the chairman of freddie mac is it was taken over by the government doing that through 2011. on a bipartisan basis and
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with the agency looking for the turnaround. >> but to wear out the welcome nobody wants to buy insurance from the exchanges. be ready for a change. thank you for helping us out it is always great to see you. gerri: electric cars and uncle sam is back to wasting your taxpayer dollars for over hundred 30 -- when did 30 million to go to california companies to build electric car chargers. that our next guest says may not even work from the associate fellow of the legal policy center. what are you talking about? they won't even work? to make it depends on what kind of car that you have there are three different technologies out there that japanese with this
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boondoggle happens to work with there is another with the u.s. and european and then another one tesla that has created an extensive and with their own technologies so there are three types out there that are not compatible yet. gerri: now i have to search for the right charger? i cannot go to any station? >> you have to find no one if you have the neece on leave you have to find them a japanese technology. this goes back a couple years like that data max obverses vhs in one of them will win but we all subsidize it as taxpayers and we will pay the price if they keep them if it does not die out on its own.
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gerri: if i go to a gas station i can go to any gas station does not matter the only difference is the price it works all over the country. how in the heck to we have all these charging stations? >> president obama proposed a stimulus of 1 million electric vehicles on the road by 2015 and we're not close to that the party that meant you have to do the cars to subsidize it -- to subsidize them because they are expensive and also the chargers and this is that component. so what did the inspector general so heavily is to put as much as he can for the gas stations out there. also to see how people would use them.
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but not enough people adopted electric vehicles and not enough people were using them so they're not used now with 75 percent are not even used. gerri: unbelievable. this is what happens when you subsidize. thank you for coming on tonight. good to see you. we will be right back and the answer to the question of the day. what should the president be focused on? [ horn honks ]
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[ ale announcer ] oncen a while, evything falls into perfect harmony. [ engine revs ] and you find yourself in exactly the right place at the right time.
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just be sure you're in the right car when it happens. the 2013 c-class sports sedan. power, performance, and style in total alignment.
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♪ gerri: earlier this hour we talked about the one person the economy under president obama. 1 percent gdp growth.
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we ask this in our poll. what should obama be more focused on? 4% as you said the super rich a 96 percent said economic growth. log on to from my question every weekday. finally, every day we spend a ton of time deciding what to put in the show. i have to tell you, i'd prefer the stories that empower us to solve our own problems, like leasing deal from consumer reports of the top of the show showing us simple ways to cut our drug costs. he does not want to do that? these days there are few winds at the back. washington is stuck on stupid for. cannot afford and cannot move back. intent on blocking pockets and nickel-and-diming us to death. willis report in the days and weeks ahead we will continue to look out for you watching for the opportunity that present themselves because no matter what is going on in the economy or in d.c., there are always opportunities. that's my "2 cents more." that's it for tonight on "the willis report."
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thank you for joining us. don't forget to check records show. have a great night and we will see you tomorrow. ♪ lou: evening, everybody. thank you for being with us. wall street picking of the month of august in record fashion after a series of upbeat economic reports revealed a strengthening job market and positive news in the auto industry and the entire manufacturing sector. that dogs out its industrial average surging toward 16,000 while sitting is 209th record close of the year. the dow up nearly 130 points. the dow jones industrials now more than 2,500 points. a 21% gain year today. the s&p tonight set a new record high. brought our markets 24th record close of the year. the


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